Health insurance

Who needs it?


For the citizens of the following countries, their home insurance covers services in Slovenia:

EU, EEA, Switzerland: have your European Health Card (blue card) ready

Australia: have your Medicare and passport ready

Bosnia and Herzegovina: arrange BIH/SI3 form

Montenegro: arrange MNE/SI03 form

North Macedonia: arrange RM/SI3 form

Serbia: arrange SRB/SI03 form

!!! Citizens of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, North Macedonia and Serbia should bring two forms with them: you will submit one to the administrative unit and take the second one to the Health Insurance Institute of Slovenia in order to get a certificate of your insurance status. With it, you will be able to use medical services in Slovenia.


Others have to arrange:

  • Any travel insurance covering at least EUR 30,000 or
  • CORIS in Slovenia for foreigners (approx. EUR 150/three months) or
  • Compulsory health insurance: (EUR 165.97/month)

Health Insurance Institute of Slovenia (ZZZS) Koper

    Citizens of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, North Macedonia and Serbia should bring their insurance form to the Health Insurance Institute of Slovenia in order to get a certificate of your insurance status. With it, you will be able to use medical services in Slovenia. 

    Office hours:
    Monday: 8 am–12 noon and 1 pm–3 pm
    Tuesday: 8 am–12 noon and 1 pm–3 pm
    Wednesday: 8 am–12 noon and 1 pm–5 pm
    Friday: 8 am–1 pm


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