Exchange programmes

The University of Primorska boasts 68 agreements on the international level with 64 Universities from all over the world, while within the Erasmus+ programme UP collaborates with over 250 universities and boasts more than 350 inter-institutional study agreements in a variety of study fields.

Each semester UP welcomes around 110 students under different mobility schemes.


The largest mobility program is the ERASMUS+ programme. UP has well established links with numerous institutions around the world to facilitate Erasmus+ student and staff exchanges.

In the programme countries (EU, EEA, North Macedonia and Serbia) – Erasmus+ KA131 – home institution selects the candidates, provides them with scholarship and nominates them to the receiving institution. Therefore, if you are coming from a programme country, please contact your international office for procedures related to selection processes and financing.

Erasmus+ International

We are also active in the Erasmus+ International Credit Mobility (Erasmus+ KA171), which supports mobilities with institutions from around the globe.

Bilateral Scholarships

The Ministry of Education, Science and Sport of the Republic of Slovenia each year offers a number of scholarship months to foreign nationals, on the basis of bilateral agreements (between the governments/ministries) and reciprocity with the following countries: Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Greece, Hungary, India, Israel, Italy, Japan, Kosovo, Mexico, Montenegro, Poland, People’s Republic of China, Republic of North Macedonia, Russian Federation, Serbia, Slovakia, Switzerland and Turkey.


CEEPUS is a Central European Exchange Programme, and it is supporting mobilities between students and staff in Central Europe (Albania, Austria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Hungary, Kosovo, Moldova, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Poland, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia and Slovenia).

Mobilities are based on established networks. Faculties of UP are participating in different Ceepus networks:

UP Faculty of Humanities: GEOREGNET; Borders and Borderlines in Cultural Anthropology in the university education; Red de Hispanistas de Europa Central; ARHEOPED; Shared History of Central Europe

UP Faculty of Management: Applied Economics and Management; Central European Network for Sustainable and Innovative Economy

UP Faculty of Mathematics, Natural Sciences and Information Technologies: Managing forests for climate change

UP Faculty of Health Sciences: Education, Training and Research in the multidisciplinary field of Sport Sciences

However, when institutions are not involved in networks, individuals can arrange Ceepus freemover mobilities. Each year, UP faculties accept many Ceepus freemover students, usually in the spring semester. Deadline is November, 30th for attending the mobility in the 2nd semester of the study year. For more information, contact the International Relations Office of the chosen host faculty.

For further specifics, please check the CEEPUS webpage.



If you are coming from a university or a country, which is not eligible for any of the above program, we can still accept you as regular free mover. Free mover arrangements are always done individually.
