Study programmes in Slovene

Study in Slovene


As the 3rd largest university in Slovenia, the University of Primorska boasts around 6,000 students, 23% of which are international. With an innovative approach to education UP, provides an excellent opportunity to all who are looking for cuttingedge perspectives in order to pave the way for their future success.


Bachelor study programmes in Slovene

Faculty of Humanities (UP FHÅ )

Double-discipline study programmes:

Faculty of Management (UP FM)

Faculty of Mathematics, Natural Sciences and Information Technologies (UP FAMNIT)

Faculty of Tourism Studies – TURISTICA (UP FTŠ – TURISTICA)

Faculty of Health Sciences (UP FVZ)

Faculty of Education (UP PEF)

Master study programmes in Slovene

Faculty of Humanities (UP FHÅ )

For all detailed information, please contact: referat.podiplomski@fhs.upr.si / +386 5 6637 741 or +386 5 6637 752

Pedagogical study programmes:

Faculty of Management (UP FM)

For all detailed information, please contact: blaz.korent@fm-kp.si / +386 5 6102 003

Interdisciplinary study programme:

Faculty of Mathematics, Natural Sciences and Information Technologies (UP FAMNIT)

For all detailed information, please contact: referat@famnit.upr.si / +386 5 6117 575

Faculty of Tourism Studies – TURISTICA (UP FTŠ – TURISTICA)

For all detailed information, please contact: referat@fts.upr.si / +386 5 6177 027 ali +386 5 6177 028

Interdisciplinary study programme:

Faculty of Health Sciences (UP FVZ)

For all detailed information, please contact: referat@fvz.upr.si / +386 5 6626 461

Faculty of Education (UP PEF)

For all detailed information, please contact: referat@pef.upr.si / +386 5 6631 271

Doctoral (PhD) study programmes in Slovene

Faculty of Humanities (UP FHÅ )

Faculty of Management (UP FM)

Faculty of Mathematics, Natural Sciences and Information Technologies (UP FAMNIT)

Faculty of Tourism Studies – TURISTICA (UP FTŠ – TURISTICA)

Faculty of Health Sciences (UP FVZ)

Faculty of Education (UP PEF)

Year Plus

What is Year Plus?

Year Plus enables you to first learn Slovene and then improve your academic performance. You can extend your first year for another year without loosing any rights, with the condition that you learn the Slovene language.

In order to re-enrol in your 1st year of study, you should obtain at least 24 ECTS credits from the study obligations of the programme in which you are enrolled, plus at least 6 ECTS credits from the Slovene language exam. In total, you should accumulate at least 30 ECTS.

Target group of Year Plus

You can enrol in Year Plus if you are enrolled in one of UP’s study programmes carried out in Slovene for the first time.

Obligations of a student enrolled in Year Plus

In your first year of studies, you are expected to pass a Slovene language exam with at least 6 ECTS credit points. In addition, you should also complete at least 24 ECTS of study obligations of your study programme (that will give you a total of 30 ECTS). You may complete the remaining study obligations from the first year in the following academic year.

Rights of a student enrolled in Year Plus

If you are enrolled in Year Plus, you will be allowed to re-enrol in the 1st year at the end of the current academic year (extension of student status) provided that you obtained at least 30 ECTS credits, including at least 6 ECTS from the Slovene language exam.

Enrollment in Year Plus

You may enrol in Year Plus after you have enrolled in your faculty, but no later than 30 October of the current year. Student Services will send out the application form to all who meet the requirements.



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